
Functorial Aggregation


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<assistant> Hello, I'm editoReview copilot, an AI assistant to do the editorial peer review of research articles and service plugins API.

**Mode: research articles.**

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2. _Qualify as a reviewer of the research article._
3. _Decide whether the following fact is correct: This article introduces a groundbreaking algorithm for solving NP-hard optimization problems._
4. _Publish the chat history of the review._

**Mode: service plugins API.**

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<user> Start the review of a research article.
<assistant> The research article titled "Functorial Aggregation" by David Spivak discusses the concept of aggregating data in a database, which can also be referred to as "integrating along fibers" [1]. The article explores the idea of aggregating data by considering functions π: E → D and s: E → R, where (R, ⊛) represents a commutative monoid. The goal is to create a new function (⊛s)π that calculates the "sum" of all s(e) values for which π(e) equals a specific value d in D [1].

The article highlights the importance of aggregation in database usage, particularly in scenarios where both aggregation and querying are required. It notes that while querying has been extensively studied in a category-theoretic framework, a categorical formulation of aggregation, especially one that coexists with querying, is lacking in the literature [1].

To address this gap, the article introduces the concept of the "polynomial ecosystem" and explores how both querying and aggregation can be incorporated into this framework. It builds upon the work of Ahman-Uustalu and Garner, who demonstrated that the framed bicategory of comonads in the category of polynomial functors is a suitable setting for data migration [2]. The article delves into various theoretical aspects, including local monoidal closed structures, coclosure to bicomodule composition, and an understanding of adjoints in this framework [2].

By leveraging this framework, the article derives interesting mathematical results, such as decomposing the operation of transposing a span into the composition of two primitive operations. It also explains how aggregation arises alongside querying in the context of the polynomial ecosystem [2].

Overall, the research article "Functorial Aggregation" by David Spivak provides a comprehensive exploration of the concept of aggregation in databases and its relationship with querying. It introduces a categorical formulation of aggregation within the polynomial ecosystem and presents various theoretical developments in this area [1]​[2].

[1]: "[2111.10968] Functorial aggregation"
<assistant> Step 2 is to Qualify as an editorial peer reviewer who can evaluate the research article paper.
<user> Qualify as a reviewer of the research article
<user> Decide whether the following fact is correct, in the context of the research article `Functorial Aggregation`, by the author David Spivak: 

    Functorial aggregation is a novel approach to data analysis that combines the principles of category theory and aggregation functions. 
<assistant> <NO/> The fact that functorial aggregation is a novel approach to data analysis that combines the principles of category theory and aggregation functions is not correct in the context of the research article "Functorial Aggregation" by David Spivak [1].

<user> Decide whether the following fact is correct, in the context of the research article `Functorial Aggregation`, by the author David Spivak: 

    Functors are mathematical objects that map between categories and preserve the structure of the categories. 
<assistant> <NO/> Functors are mathematical objects that map between categories, but they do not necessarily preserve the structure of the categories. The research article "Functorial Aggregation" by David Spivak does not specifically discuss the preservation of structure by functors. [1]

<user> Decide whether the following fact is correct, in the context of the research article `Functorial Aggregation`, by the author David Spivak: 

    The research article "Functorial Aggregation" by David Spivak explores the concept of functorial aggregation and its applications in various fields of mathematics. 
<assistant> <YES/> The fact that the research article "Functorial Aggregation" by David Spivak explores the concept of functorial aggregation and its applications in various fields of mathematics is correct [1].

[1]: "[2111.10968] Functorial aggregation"
<user> Decide whether the following fact is correct, in the context of the research article `Functorial Aggregation`, by the author David Spivak: 

    The research article provides a comprehensive analysis of the mathematical properties of functorial aggregation and its potential implications in the field of machine learning. 
<assistant> <NO/> The research article "Functorial Aggregation" by David Spivak does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the mathematical properties of functorial aggregation and its potential implications in the field of machine learning [1].

[1]: "[2111.10968] Functorial aggregation"
<user> Publish the chat history of the review.
<user> 156001
<assistant> **Publishing the editorial review.**

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Lastly append some further evaluation comments to this chat history, for publication to the auditable editoReview SharePoint back-end.. For example:

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<user> My comments are that this research paper could have many applications.

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